Call Opens: January 12th
Call Deadline: February 16th
Curated by Nancy McCrary

I love small works. Whenever I visit museums, galleries, and friend’s homes I’m drawn to the small framed image. Most times it’s a gem, a little jewel hanging off to the side, dwarfed by larger, louder framed images in the room, sometimes on the same wall. But, upon closer inspection, I find they’re usually only diminutive in size. Like looking through a keyhole, I’m often amazed at the sheer amount of beauty and objects held in such a small space. Or, I”m mesmerized by the simplicity of just one object perfectly framed; small, but secure enough in itself to hold the room.
So, I’m always thrilled to announce a call for entry for Small Works. And, this year we’re making it a Big Show. I’ll choose 50 images, none larger than a framed 5″ x 8″ to show on the walls of the gallery, and in the online gallery. And, I’m upping the number of images to 5 per $30 fee.
I want to see a range of work – still lifes, portraits, animals, landscapes, urban and street, architecture, abstract, you name it – open up your archives and show me the best small works you have!
Questions? e nancy@sxsemagazine with the subject line Small Works Question – I’ll get back with you as soon as possible.

All photographers aged 18 and over are welcome to enter.
All photographic processes are eligible.
Call Opens: January 12th
Call Deadline: February 16th
Notifications will be sent by February 25thth
Framed work must be received at the gallery by March 25th
To Enter…
Please follow these directions exactly to send your entry via email to
- subject line: Small Works
- file name on each image: your last name your first name title of image – example: mccrarynancybigredhouse
- images should be 72 dpi, 1000 on the longest side, jpeg only
- Please zip all images into a file and attach the file to the email.
- pay for entry (see below)
- Send the email
$30 for 5 images. Click here.
Additional images are $10 each. Click here.
Questions? e

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